George Tupou II

Siaosi Tupou II, King of Tonga was the King of Tonga fromFebruary 1893 until his death. He was officially crowned at Nuku alofa, onMarch 1893. He was also the 20th Tu i Kanokupolu. In Tonga itself he was better known under the Tongan version of his name Jiaoji Tubou or even Tufa hau Tupou II.

Queen Lavinia died onApril 1902 from tuberculosis, leaving one child, Slote . She was not popular, as she was perceived as being born from the wrong mother so much so that it was not safe for her to go outside the palace garden. When Siaosi married for the second time, onNovember 1909, to the then 16yearold Anaseini Takip Afuhaamango, a half sister of the rejected Ofakivavau, the chiefs were jubilant. It was customary in old Polynesia for a defeated chief either to be killed or to be exiled. As such, it was a fortunate excuse that Slote had to go to school in Auckland that she could be put on the December steamer to New Zealand. Queen Anaseini Takip was the daughter of Honourable Siosiana Tongovua Tae Manusa and Tevita Ula Afuhaamango. Tae Manusa was the highest ranking woman in Tonga after the death of the last Tamah because of the strong bloodlines she had coming directly from TuiHaatakalaua and TuiKanokupolu her daughters made the perfect option for Tupou II to marry. Tae

Source: Wikipedia